Links to download the WeDo software can be found on LEGO Education Downloads. Although it is possible to untether the WeDo by powering the motor directly, it will not follow a program. Creations need to remain tethered to the computer for power and to follow a program.

The original LEGO WeDo Core Set (9580) has 158 pieces, including two sensors (tilt and motion), a motor, and a USB hub. WeDo 1.0 (9580) Original LEGO WeDo Core Set WeDo (1.0 and 2.0) can also be programmed using Scratch. Additional curriculum materials are also available from LEGO Education. Set Details Set number 9580-1 Name WeDo Construction Set Set type Normal Theme group Educational Theme Education Year released 2009 Tags View tags Pieces 158 RRP 130.00 Current value New: 134 Used: 90 Price per piece 82.3c Packaging Tub Weight 0.55Kg (1. 3.4 de 5 estrellas 40 calificaciones 7 preguntas respondidas. Heres a video showing that setup in action controlling Boost: If you have a Raspberry Pi or spare computer around, you might be more interested node-poweredup or pylgbst. Curriculum support that is targeted to science and computing is available from within software. Set de construcción educativo Lego Wedo 9580. This is capable of interacting with both Powered Up remotes and Powered Up hubs, so you can program it to interface between the two and provide remove control. Links to download the WeDo 2.0 software can be found on LEGO Education Downloads. The SmartHub is powered by either two AA batteries or a rechargeable battery pack (purchased separately). WeDo 2.0 features a programmable SmartHub that connects to a computer or tablet via Bluetooth Low Energy, meaning that there is no longer a need to physically tether creations to a computer (as was required with the original WeDo kit). The WeDo 2.0 Software is available for desktops and tablets and is free to download. The LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 Core Set (45300) contains 280 pieces, including a motor, and tilt sensor, and motion sensor. WeDo 2.0 was released at the beginning of 2016. The original WeDo set was released in 2009. 519 subscribers Subscribe 41 Share 33K views 9 years ago My Son and his first Project.